If you are interested in learning more about PARC Medical Billing Service, complete the contact form below for a free, no-obligation consultation.
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Practice Name:
Practice Type:
City, State, Zip
Referral Source:

Cost Analysis Requested?   Yes No

Cost Analysis - If you answered "yes" to cost analysis requested:
# of Providers $ Amount of claim per patient
# of Offices # of staff dedicated to insurance and patient billing
# of Insurance Claims per day $ Hourly wage for insurance and patient billing staff
# of Patient Billings per day
We also offer a free practice analysis and customized solutions to your specific needs.
Practice Analysis Requested?   Yes No
Further information for HIPAA Compliance Requested? Yes No

14 Alhambra Road, Massapequa, NY  11758-6602  Phone: (516) 795-6835  Fax: (516) 795-6894

Copyright ©2001  PARC Medical Billing Service, Inc.    Designed by: Delight Design